

Messianic Judaism is not Rabbinic Judaism nor Christianity! The Jewish believers in Adon Yeshua HaMashiach which are part of a Christian Church, which follow or practise the doctrines and the belief of a Christian denomination are Christian Jews. Even those who call themselves messianics. But the (authentic) messianic Jews are those who practise, in fact continue in the faith practised and transmitted by Adon Yeshua HaMashiach, namely Judaism, in its messianic form (which is completely different from all the Christian doctrines and denominations but from the rabbinic ones also). He did not start a new religion, He fulfilled and completed the Jewish belief established by Adonay Elohim in and through the Tanach (The First covenant). And since the Orthodox Judaism is also called Rabbinic Judaism, being developed based on the doctrines of the rabbis, Messianic Judaism is also called Apostolic Judaism because it has been developed by and based on the revelations, the teachings and the doctrines of the Shlichim / the Jewish Apostles. The practical rules of the Rabbinic Judaism (established at Yavne) are collected in what is called the Halachah / the way of Walking and the rules of a practical life and belief in Adon Yeshua HaMashiach (estblished in Yerushalayim) make up what is called HaDerech / The Way according to the Scriptures. For those who are interrested in the teachings of the Shlichim / Apostles and the messianic Jewish belief, these are published (in romanian language at the moment) on the website of Shaliach David, the president of our federation, here: https://shlichut.eu